Friday, June 29, 2012

High Five for Friday!

So I just decided to get {back} into blogging! I started following two new blogs! The Smalls Things Blog and From My Grey Desk Blog. They are sisters and have lots of fun posts! Lauren from My Grey Desk Blog hosts a "High Five for Friday" link-up. I liked the idea so here are my top five from the week!

1. Peanut Butter - Jelly! Not the Sandwiches! This week my little boy was on the porch singing the cute preschool song Peanut Butter- Jelly! It was such a sweet moment! I chuckled and it immediately transported me back to my childhood. Sometimes moments like those are just what I need to stop and in that very moment cherish life.

2. So one of my favorite things this week was having lunch after my hubby after he got a good report. We always go to this hole in the wall Mexican place. It's sinfully delicious. The best part, is that we are able to be together and the second best they give you one of these when you close your check!

3. HELLO! I am a shoe-aholic. I wasn't planning to get another pair but I found these adorable wedges at New York & Co for 70% off. Yes, you read that right. I bought these bad boys for just over $10 bucks!

4. H&M opened a store near me! I had never shopped at an H&M so I had to check it out! They had a DJ playing party music and there were even break dancers in the mall. It was insane!!! I bought a dress and a shirt for $20! Overall, I thought I could  come back and find some fun trendy pieces at an affordable price but I still ended up at my favorite store LOFT.

5. Last on the list are my veggies & fruits. I absolutely love going to the farmers market...there is something about picking fresh produce that makes healthy cooking so much better!

I don't know how to import Lauren's button into a post. Can anyone help?
<a albums="" alt="Photobucket" border="0" dd361="" h54f1.jpg?="" href="" http:="""" lauren_fmgd=""></a>

Cherishing Banana Splits!

This week I read a heart breaking story. You can read it here! It is about a family that is facing the reality that they will loose one of their children. When asked what people could do to help, they encouraged families to eat banana splits with their children. This idea is so in line with my goal to cherish each moment that I wanted to share it with some of my friends. Coincidentally, I had signed up to provide a meal for the youth at our church. So after dinner, I shared the story with them, we prayed for the family, and we joyfully indulged in banana splits.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Fun for Everyone!

We are having a super fun summer! We are doing all kinds of fun activites with our church friends! Today we met up for Chic-fil-a and swimming! I love that my little guy gets to play and I get to gab with friends!
 Enjoying an ice cream cone!
 Ready to swim.
 T-bone was the only boy today!